All You Need To Know About Having A Bilingual Wedding

Given the multi-cultural society that we have, there are certain to be weddings being arranged, bridal dresses being designed, and wedding cakes being created where the bride and the groom are from two different cultural backgrounds.

That can apply to each of their nationalities, their respective religions, both their ethnic backgrounds and indeed all three.

What it could also mean is that the bride and groom both speak perfect English because they were born and raised in Australia, however, they may have family and those whom they wish to invite as guests who do not.

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7 Common Travel Questions Of Divorced Parents With Children

7 Common Travel Questions Of Divorced Parents With Children

Whilst any divorce potentially requires divorce lawyers to become involved, when the couple also has children it can make the whole process more complex, especially if there is no agreement between the parents about the children’s future. Divorcing couples often have several misconceptions about how children are treated under family law when parents divorce.

This will apply to matters such as who the child lives with, the visitation rights of the other parent, and financial support. Even after the divorce has been finalised, divorced parents will still have several questions for their divorce lawyers about what they can and cannot do concerning their children.

One area of confusion that crops up often is taking children on holiday, especially if that means taking them abroad. Many a parent has had to return to court and answer for their actions before a judge, having breached their divorce agreement or family law.

If only the divorced parent had asked their divorce lawyers before taking the action they did, they would have discovered what the law was concerning travelling with their children. In fact, there are several common travel questions relating to children they could have asked, such as the seven outlined below.

Do I Need My Ex-Partner’s Permission To Take Our Children Overseas?

You normally must have written consent from the children’s other parent before you can take them overseas. It is a crime to leave the country with your children if you do not have that consent or a court order that authorises such travel.

Are There Likely To Be Problems With My Children Having A Different Surname To Mine?

There might be issues with immigration authorities when you arrive in another country as they seek to prevent child trafficking. To avoid issues, talk to a migration agent about taking your child’s birth certificate and any Family Court orders concerning your divorce and the children.

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Top Tips For Canyoning In Bali

The diversity of activities you can take part in when during your vacation in Bali is immense, although not everyone will be able to take part in all of them. One such activity is canyoning, and the reason there is a caveat with this activity is that it does require a reasonable degree of physical fitness. However, if you are physically able to take part, then it is an experience which you will remember for the rest of your life.

For those of you who have never heard the term canyoning or are unsure what it involves, then there are several activities which it includes. The objective is to descend into a canyon and the means by which this achieved can include, sliding down naturally created water slides, rappelling down waterfalls, leaping and jumping off the edge of rock cliffs, and zip-lining from one side of a gorge to another.

As you can hopefully gather from the physical nature of these activities, and as we have already mentioned, canyoning is not for everyone. Apart from those who physically might not be able to take part, those with fears of heights, falling, or water, may also find themselves unable to participate. For those that are fortunate enough to be physically able to take part, then you are in for the thrill of a lifetime.

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The Pros And Cons Of Travelling To Bali For Dental Treatment

The Pros And Cons Of Travelling To Bali For Dental Treatment

If you have been doing any kind of research recently with regards trying to find a dentist whose fees are not as high as you are used to paying, the possibility of travelling to Bali for dental implants or other dental treatment may have surfaced. Known as ‘dental tourism’ it is a perfectly legitimate way for anyone to have the cost of their dental treatment dramatically reduced, even after the cost of travelling is taken into account.

At first, the idea of travelling to foreign country, albeit one that is not especially far away, might seem somewhat drastic, however, there are many benefits for those who take the leap of faith. That being said, there are also some disadvantages, so to help you, we are going to lay out all the pros and cons.


Lower Costs

Obviously, this is the primary reason for using a Bali dentist. Costs there are significantly lower than you would expect to pay in Australia. This is especially the case if the treatment you are seeking is cosmetic in nature and would normally cost you several thousand dollars if the treatment were done at home.

Tried and Trusted Professionals

It is true that the dentists in Bali do not have the same qualifications as those in Australia but that does not mean that they have not been trained to high professional standards. The other thing to note is if the level of care and treatment were poor, there would not be so many patients leaving the testimonials and recommendations as there are.

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Amazing Tanah Lot

Tanah Lot has a lot going for it as far as a tourist destination in Bali but one of the things that really stands out is the large number of luxurious private villas. One of the most impressive is the Nirwana Bali Resort which sits at the top of a high cliff. This is just one of the amazing Bali Tanah Lot villas you will find in this beautiful area of Bali. Tanah Lot is a great place to visit in Bali if you wish to see the beauty of nature or learn more about the history and culture of the area. Tanah Lot can be found in the Tabanan Regency area where among other things there are many temples.

The temple in Tanah Lot is a very important holy place for Hindus who live in Indonesia and is sometimes called the most sacred temple of the seas or the baby of the seas. This temple is visited by people from all over Bali who wish to pray here. The snakes in the water which are both black and white and live near the coral reef are thought to protect the temple.

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Getting Over Alcohol Addiction More Easily

Most people go to Bali for a holiday since it is such a lovely place, easy to access and so very affordable. These three points make it the ideal place to go for drug rehab and will help you to recover from your drug addiction, whether that is from alcohol or a different kind of drug. With the increase of party drugs, few people see alcohol as harmful, yet it has ruined more lives than drugs such as ice.

Once a person is addicted to alcohol, like other drugs it takes precedence in their lives, with the sufferer using ever more of their time and resources on the drink of their choice and becoming ever sicker, whether they admit it or not. This can go on for many years with the drinker refusing to believe they have a problem while their health and their family suffers.

Getting over alcohol addiction is not easy, but it can be done, especially in a beautiful setting such as Bali. Bali offers affordable drug rehabilitation in a beautiful setting that is right by the ocean. Booking into a place where there are no tempting drinks and where you can be treated for the addiction by highly qualified staff is the best way forward when your life has spiralled out of control due to alcohol – or any other drug, for that matter.

The best part about the treatments offered in Bali rehab is that you get to have a say in what kind of treatment you will have. This doesn’t mean you’ll be able to skip the most important parts of treatment. Your professional health care team will guide and advise you on the type of treatment to choose if you want to reach your goals of becoming free from the tyranny of alcohol. It is advisable to accept their advice and work with them in order to achieve your goals more quickly.

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Best Things to do in Bali for a Little R&R

Best Things to do in Bali for a Little R_R

So you are off to Bali for a little R&R. If this is the first time, you’ll want to have a look at some of the most highly recommended things to do.

1. The optimum R&R vacation occurs with your own private swimming pools, lush gardens, beautiful sunsets, luxurious villas, personal staff including cooks, and in-house spa treatment. Of course, you’re going to want to leave your paradise at times.
2. Tirta Empul Temple is one of the many amazing temples to be enjoyed in Bali, and there are many
3. Uluwatu Temple is located on the side of a cliff which is truly stunning. You’ll love the architecture.
4. Tanah Lot Temple makes most jaws drop. This stunning complex is a must visit for anyone that is looking for some R&R and maybe a little spiritual exploration too.

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Bangkung River Bridge a New Tourism Destination in Bali

Bangkung River Bridge a New Tourism Destination in Bali-min

The Bangkung River Bridge a New Tourism Destination in Bali at Plaga Village, in the sub-district of Petang, has become a new tourism destination in Bali. In fact, it has been able to support North Badug tourism development. It was inaugurated back in 2006, and since then it has become a regular visit by tourists and locals alike. In fact, on national holidays the bridge is packed with visitors.

It takes only about an hour from Denpasar to reach the Bangkung River Bridge, and the journey along the way has many points of interest and places you’ll want to see such as Bukit Sari Sangeh, and Tanah Wuk Green Canyon. There is also the Nungnung waterfall and Petang a village for tourists.

As bridges go Bangkung River Bridger really isn’t much different, but it is claimed to be the tallest bridge in Asia, and so people are curious and come to see. The bridge spans across cool and lush area, quite the contrast from the hustle and bustle of the city. It’s a great place to spend a day relaxing.

It spreads along 360 meters with a whopping height of 71.14 meters tall. The pillars rise 41 meters from the underground and the bridge is over 100 years old, making it an impressive piece of history. Tourists who decide to navigate their way to the Bangkung River Bridge will not be disappointed.

Gelang Agung Temple contains Thirteenth Century Antiquities

Gelang Agung Temple contains Thirteenth Century Antiquities-min

The Gelang Agung temple is located at Buangga Halemt, in the Getasan Village in the Sub-district of Petang. It is considered a sanctum by locals and it a cultural heritage cornerstone that has seen an increase in tourists. There are a number of cultural relics that date back to the thirteenth century.

Some of the relics from the Gelang Agung temple have been placed in the Gedong Arca, including a statue of Lord Vishnu riding a Garuda, a statue that looks somewhat like a lotus flower made of three sections with an octagonal base, probably a symbol of yoni. There is also a relic of Padmasana shrine inscribed with a Balinese script, and even a few building stone fragments.

There are a number of magical stories that have followed the Gelang Agung temple. The structure of the Gelang Agung temple isn’t much different than that of other Bali sanctums. It had a two-tier meru shrine to venerate Goddess Sri, and a chamber to venerate Danghyang Dwijendra. During paddy planting, and when surrounding residents of Buangga were attacked by disease locals came to pray at the temple.

Chief of Buanagga voiced the community’s hope that the government would pay more attention to the existence of the temple, and what it represents historically. However, to date government interest has been minimal. Bali visitors will want to add this to their things to do.

Bali: Tanah Lot – The Temple in the Middle of the Sea

Bali Tanah Lot The Temple in the Middle of the Sea-min

The translation of this temple’s name puts the strong emphasis on the sea. The Sea Temple or The Temple in the Middle of the Sea or The Land in the Middle of the Sea are some of the well-known names for this genuine temple. The temple itself is situated in the south-east part of the island.

The Tanah Lot Temple is located on the cliff’s edge very close to the shore. It can be approached only during the periods of the low tide. The entrance to the temple is less than hundred steps away from the sandy beaches. It worth mentioning that this temple is not open for the tourist visits. In addition, only the priests are allowed to enter its premises.

The central place within the temple is reserved for the five altars which are called Meruses. They are built to honor the god Mer. During the periods of high tides this temple is transformed into an island. In one particular part of the temple at the island’s bottom there is a small spring of fresh water within the cave. This place is of great importance for the religious reasons. It is always guarded by the priests. Additionally, it is believed that this spring has the special healing powers.

On the other side of the island there is one more cave which is called Ular Suci. In this place the water snakes which are poisonous can be found. These snakes are considered to be the holy snakes with magical powers. During the night these snakes hunt fish in the sea. During the day they rest in the cave. According to the religious belief one man’s wish can come true, if the snakes are being touched while wishing the particular thing. The priests of this temple are to make sure that the snakes are gathered together after the night’s hunt in the cave. It has to emphasized that these snakes are poisonous. However, they do not attack priests, which is also part of the religious belief related to this temple. In addition, this tradition of carrying the snakes into the cave is couple of centuries old. According to the legends there are no records of snake’s attacks during these ceremonies.

According to one of the legends in the 16th century one of the high priest Danghyang Nirartha traveling from Java supposedly saw the magical lights on this place. Attracted by this unusual phenomenon he accidentally discovered this island next to the shore. Fascinated by this amazing place he spent the night on the island in meditation. His followers also visited this place and contributed in the construction of the new temple of the very cliffs.

This temple is one of the most recognized symbols of Bali. It can be seen on almost every picture or brochure which is related to Bali. Its name is fully deserved. During the periods of the higher sea levels it really looks like the small island in the middle of the sea. The unusual natural phenomena related to this place have been the fascination of tourists and locals for decades. This is one of the very reasons why this temple has found its place in every photo album of the tourists who visited this place.

Going Batty In Bali

Going Batty In Bali-min

Bali is home to thousands of bats. The tour guides have been known to stop in areas where some bats have been known to reside in order for the tourists to have the chance to get up close and personal with the winged mammal. One group of tourists made friends with a pair of resident bats at a roadside rest area, and were able to feed the bats and watch them eat. This particular group of tourists fed the bats bananas and were mesmerized at how the animals clung to their perches, upside down, hanging on to the banana, peeling and eating it in several stealthy moves.

For the tourist who is not interested in the gustatory habits of bats, there is always the pineapple grove growing along the side of the road near the rest stop, or the rice paddies a bit further up the road. A good tourist guide will never force a tourist to endure something that could cause them any undue distress during what is supposed to be a relaxing vacation.

Most tourists are wary of the bats at first, but curiosity eventually gets the best of most and the cameras come out in droves to permanently capture this unique opportune animal encounter. The bats that hang on low branches and eat fruit are thought to be primarily instrumental in the propagation of fruit by spreading the seeds, and they also serve as food for the snakes found in Bali. These fruit-eating bats are not the same species found in the infamous bat cave, Goa Lawah. Reputedly impressive, and the cave itself is considered by the Balinese to be a holy spot.

In Just Three Days You Can Experience Amazing Bali

In Just Three Days You Can Experience Amazing Bali img

Having the time of your life in Bali doesn’t require you to have weeks available. According to providers in the tourism industry you can actually have an amazing Bali experience in just three days. So rent your nice villa and come make some memories.

If you can escape to Bali for just three days, here’s an idea of how your vacation might look according to some of the best in the travel industry. You’ll have just enough time to get a taste of all the aspects that make Bali the exotic experience it is, from the famous beaches to the iconic temples.

You will certainly want to spend some time in Ubud, the artistic capital of Bali. There are all kinds of amazing shops to experience and leave a little of your money behind in. Kuta Beach is a must see – it will tantalize all of your senses, and it’s a great place to spend some time no matter what the weather is doing.

Jimbaran Bay is another great place to explore – here you’ll be able to enjoy some of the tastiest seafood you’ll ever eat. There’s numerous seafood restaurants along the peaceful beach, so come enjoy, relax and stay just a little while.

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Mount Agung: The Highest Point in Bali

Mount Agung The Highest Point in Bali

Mount Agung also known as Gunung Agung is the highest point in Bali. This volcanic mountain is located on the eastern corner of Bali. With its 9,944 ft Mount Agung absolutely dominates the surroundings. This mountain is very often covered in clouds, which gives it an almost mystical look.

Mount Agung has a great significance in the Balinese culture and spiritual life. For them this remarkable mountain represents the Mount Meru or the universe’s central axis. According to one of the legends this volcanic mountain is one part of the Mount Meru which was given to Bali by one of the very first priests. In addition, one of the most important temples in Bali, Pura Besakih, is situated exactly on the Mount Agung.

The last eruption occurred in the early 1960’s. Almost 2,000 were killed because of the volcano eruption. The Mother Temple of Besakih was luckily missed the rivers of lava literally by a few yards. As expected this miraculous event had its appropriate interpretation in the Balinese culture. The island had been punished for its sins by the gods, but at the same time the hope survived in this temple.

For the recreational purposes the tourists can use the two existing routes which can take them to the top of the mountain. First starts in Besakih and goes through the western part of the mountain. Second route uses the southern part. This second route starts in Pura Pasar Agung very close to Selat. For this tour approximately four hours in one direction are required. It is very important to emphasize that the only possibility to start your journey from one route and to finish it using the second route is available in the dry season. In addition, for this kind of an adventure the tourists are strongly advised to use the services of the professional guides. Sometimes, this journey to the top of this mysterious mountain can last more than four hours and can include the danger of getting lost.

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Nothing Beats the Experience of a Road Trip Around Bali

Nothing Beats the Experience of a Road Trip Around Bali

There are many ways you can travel to, and around Bali. One of the most rewarding experiences is a road trip around Bali. It provides you with an authentic and unique experience. Moreover, the road trip is not as costly as what you will get anywhere in the western countries. You will see the best part of the Balinese landscape and rice paddles spread across the island.

Bali is home to around 4 million people. When you add the close to 2.5 million tourists who come to this island every year, you are likely to meet or see many people at any given time. The Balinese are renowned for their friendly nature, and willingness to hold conversations with anyone not familiar with their culture or island. Reliance on the local maps can give you the sort of experience you are looking for but nothing beats getting help from the local population, and of course making a few new friends.

You can visit several places while in Bali, from attending local festivals that the Balinese hold on almost every day, to watching people work in the rice paddies. Bali has played host to a number of globally recognized events such as Miss Universe Beauty Pageant, which attracted thousands of tourists into this island. The beauty pageant helped to open up the island and market it better to the rest of the world as an island of paradise, and one that holds a lot of magic.

Most visitors to Bali love travelling to Lake Bratan by road. Roads trips to Lake Bratan provide visitors with the perfect chance to learn more about the Balinese and their unique culture. Road trips are quite attractive to tourists who intend to get a better appreciation of the other parts of Bali.

The Best Places to Eat Drink and Be Merry in Nusa Lembongan

The Best Places to Eat Drink and Be Merry in Nusa Lembongan

Nusa Lembongan is no longer just a day trip destination. According to villa accommodation experts Easy Bali Villas have become a popular place to stay thanks to modern villas that are very affordable and tons of things to do. In fact, this location has some of the best places to eat and it has a lively nightlife, yet at the same time, you can stay off the beaten track and not have to deal with the high levels of congestion that other areas of Bali often have. The pace of life may be slower but you aren’t going to be disappointed.

Part of your Bali vacation experience is enjoying the sights and sounds that the country has to offer. That includes enjoying local cuisine. Of course, if you prefer to stick to western dishes rather than Balinese specialties that’s never a problem as most restaurants offer both.

Eating out is pretty laid back in Nusa Lembongan with many of the beachfront restaurants offering Balinese specialty dishes in addition to Western dishes and of course, fresh seafood is always on the menu. Let’s look at a few of those restaurants.

The Beach Club

This is considered one of the best dining places in Nusa Lembongan. You’ll enjoy some of the most stunning views around, high quality tasty dishes, great service and signature evening BBQs.

Muntigs Bar & Restaurant

This one definitely sets itself apart from many of the other restaurants. This is a fine dining experience that offers Balinese cuisine and a variety of international dishes along with an excellent selection of imported wines. Dining here might cost you a little more but it’s worth every dime.

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Tourism Bug Has Bitten Bali

Tourism Bug Has Bitten Bali

Bali has been bitten by the tourism bug. Tourism has doubled from 2001 to 2011, and every year there are more than 700 hectares that are developed for luxury living by foreigners, hotels, and roads to connect the island. Every year the amount of waste dumped multiplies and the number of cars on the roads steadily grows. The peaceful Bali everyone wanted to visit is suddenly outgrowing its image, and locals as well as government want to put the brakes on to ensure Bali remains the Bali they know and love.

The Indonesian government has initiated legislation to protect the environment and culture. However, to date these appear to not be too effective, since local authorities are doing nothing to enforce those laws, and of course, investors are against any regulation, as they want to develop the island even more. There focus it to make Bali the top destination spot.

When you visit Bali, there are some great spots that have not yet been developed. The Bali Bukit Peninsula offer a less developed environment that’s rustic and relaxing. Here you can experience the unique Bali culture.

The island will continue to grow in popularity as the secret of how fantastic a vacation to this out of the way destination can be. For those that want to see a little of the old Bali, now is a great time to plan a trip before it has been completely transformed by the modern world.

Bali Vacations Saw A Huge Spike Last Christmas

Bali Vacations Saw A Huge Spike Last Christmas

However the rest of us spent the holidays, it seems Santa traded in his reindeer and sleigh for a surfboard and scuba gear this last holiday season. Bali Discovery reports that Bali received a record-breaking number of tourist flights over the 2013 Christmas season. For just the weekend of Christmas, Bali vacation destinations received a whopping 15,000 tourists – that’s nearly a 50% increase over last year. Experts point to the growing Balinese economy and domestic market as a factor in the growing popularity of Bali vacations.

Sun Worshiping On Uluwatu Beach

Sun Worshiping On Uluwatu Beach

Uluwatu Beach is a beautiful beach, somewhat secluded from any main road in Bali. There is a bit of a trek from the road, down a steep hill to a small bit of sand and rocks where tourists can usually find some freelance masseurs to help them pass the time until the tide goes out. Once the tide goes out, a rock used as an entrance to the main portion of the beach is revealed and then the beach going tourists are able to fully enjoy Uluwatu beach. It is a fairly private beach, so most tourists find they have very few other tourists to compete with for prime sun tanning areas as well as seashell hunts.

The Uluwatu temple is located on a cliff that overlooks the beach and is a beautiful place to visit and photograph. The temple is home to numerous tame monkeys, but beware as the monkeys are worse than pickpockets at times. Jewellery or watches and anything else sparkly and easily removed will tempt the monkeys and they have been known to abscond with any number of items formerly belonging to some hapless tourist. Also keep in mind, the monkeys in the temple are sacred so they cannot be harmed for ANY reason.

We Have To Say It: We Love ‘Road To Bali’

We Have To Say It

We can’t talk about villa vacations in the tropical paradise of Bali for too long without mentioning one of the most famous films ever set there. It’s an old flick from 1952, but The Road To Bali still resonates as a comedy classic from two masters of the fun-loving road film genre.

Of course, being a Bob Hope / Bing Crosby caper, there’s more of a focus on the madcap hijinks of the famous comedy duo than the surroundings. And they didn’t bother location filming – sad to say! – beyond some stock footage, being content to breeze through everything on a Hollywood sound stage. But it starts out in Melbourne, ends up in Bali, and is chock full of volcanoes, giant squid, underwater treasure, and references to Australian opera singers. Great fun, historical piece to get you in the mood in-flight.

APEC Summit to be Held November 2013 in Bali

APEC Summit to be Held November 2013 in Bali

All the players in the game of tourism are getting ready for later this year when in November of 2013 the APEC Summit (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) will be held in Bali. According to Ida Bagus Ngurah Wijaya, who is the chairman of the Bali Indonesian Tourism Industry Association, assures those in the tourism industry that this is going to have a positive economic benefit to Bali’s economy.

The government has initiated some infrastructure improvements as it prepares for this event in the fall. For example, the airport expansion that is ongoing, the toll road connection, and the Dewa Ruci underpass are all in the works to be completed during the first six months of 2013.

In addition to the infrastructure, there are numerous hotels that are planned to be opened in time for the summit. One of those hotels is the Nusa Dua luxury hotel with 1319 rooms opening specifically for the APEC summit. There are six new hotels scheduled to open and there are a number of new Seminyak villas that will be added to the accommodation pool.

The APEC Summit will offer an opportunity to promote Bali culture and it will also have a positive impact on tourism both directly and indirectly. It is hoped that the momentum from the APEC summit will help to improve the image of Bali through cultural performances and various that gather attention throughout the summit.

Bali is a beautiful place to visit – in fact, the secrets out, as more and more vacationers share their positive experience. In addition, more Bali vacation villas and hotels become available, the cost of a vacation to Bali has decreased, and there are more flights – these are all reasons why the demand for Bali vacations is on the rise. The APEC summit will simply increase awareness even more.